Visual Text Analytics in Context of Digital Humanities


October 24, 2016

El-Assady, Mennatallah, Valentin Gold, Markus John, Thomas Ertl, and Daniel A. Keim. “Visual Text Analytics in Context of Digital Humanities”, In: IEEE Information Visualization Conference (InfoVis), Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities (VIS4DH), pp. 1–5, Baltimore, MD, USA. 2016.

Digital Humanities (DH) research brings together scholars from different disciplines to work on tackling a common research challenge. Hence, DH-projects have to overcome common challenges of multi-disciplinary research, such as methodological differences or communication issues. However, in contrast to interdisciplinary collaborations from related fields of science, in the digital humanities, a gap between qualitative scholarship traditions and quantitative data-driven research has to be bridged to achieve a common goal. With this position paper, we aim at starting a discussion between the various involved disciplines in the digital humanities on how to approach the problem-solving process in DH-projects. Based on our experience in different visual text analytics projects and extensive two years of discussions, we propose an abstract conceptual workflow as a best practice for digital humanities projects.

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